Can dogs get a UTI?
Urinary Tract Infections, better known as UTIs, are fairly common infections in dogs. The most common UTI in dogs are bacterial, and at least 14% of dogs will experience a UTI at least once in their lives.
UTIs are caused by bacteria named ‘Esterichia Coli’ that moves up to the urethra causing pain and occasionally can move to the bladder.
Any dog can suffer from UTI, however, there are some factors that can increase your dog’s chance of getting it.
- Female dogs
- Dogs with underlying health conditions such as Kidney disease, Cushing’s disease, etc.
- Dogs with immune system problems
- Dogs who don't urinate often (since when dogs urinate less, the bacteria have more time to migrate from the urethra to the bladder)
Symptoms of UTI in dogs
Although dogs can’t tell they are in pain, they certainly can express it. However, you need to pay special attention if your dog experiences:
Blood in their urine: If you find blood in your pup’s urine or you notice it’s getting cloudy, darker, or smelly, you should consider taking him/her to the vet for a check-up.
Fever: This could be a symptom of many conditions. However, if it comes together with other items on the list, it’s probably a sign of UTI.
Whimpering during urination: This is the classic sign of pain in urinary infections. Pay special attention to your dog's whimpers and moaning since they can be a clear indicator that something is not right.
Frequent licking their genitals: Dogs can often lick themselves to try to alleviate the pain.
Urinating more often: If your dog urinates more frequently, inside and outside the house, it could be a sign of illness. Also, you might notice some dripping after urinating, and your dog may experience some difficulty in holding his bladder.
These symptoms can be mistaken with other diseases, so if your dog experiences any of the former symptoms, contact your vet in order to run some tests (urine test first) and rule out more serious conditions. Some dogs experience painful symptoms, but some can be asymptomatic. In the latter cases, vets can discover UTI by chance while looking and testing for other conditions.

What can I do to alleviate my dog’s symptoms?
Home remedies for treating UTI in dogs
Just like UTIs in humans, treatment includes antibiotics that help eliminate the bacteria from your body, and occasionally, it can also include probiotics, in order to prevent future infections.
However, urinary tract infections can be very painful, so if you want to alleviate your dog’s pain throughout the process, you can also try some home remedies that work not only to minimize the symptoms of infections but also to prevent them. Some things you can do to make your pup feel like himself again:
Give your dog lots of water. Making sure your dog is correctly hydrated can never be a bad thing. Water is the most effective prevention tool and symptom reliever, all in one!
Provide your pup with Multifunctional Dog Chews, which contain all the nutrients he needs to boost and support his immune system.
Add a teaspoon of apple cide vinegar to your dog's water: It will help lower the Ph of your pup's urine and neutralize the bacteria in the bladder.
- Feed your pup cranberries. Its benefits are countless. Researchers have found out that cranberries help make urine more acidic, which makes an unfriendly environment for UTI's most common bacteria, named Esterichia Coli. Besides, it has been recently discovered that cranberries also make it difficult for the bacteria to get sticked to the urinary tract walls.