dog rash

Dog Rash: Causes And Treatment

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The sound of your dog scratching in the middle of the night while you can’t do anything about it is heartbreaking, right? Dog rashes, allergies, hot spots, and stomach irritations, are very common things our dogs undergo. In this article, we will focus on dog rash.

Even though taking care of your dog’s coat and skin through omega-3 supplementation is key to prevention, you always need to be alert. Skin problems can very painful and need to be treated immediately since they spread rapidly. But, in order to treat them, you need to be able to recognize them.

Dog Rash Symptoms

Apart from redness and soreness, rashes can often be accompanied by other symptoms:

  • Itchiness
  • Oily skin
  • More hair loss than usual
  • Smelly skin
  • Dandruff
  • Discolored skin


The skin is the organ that protects your dog’s body against different bacteria, infections, and allergies. It acts as a barrier, so, this organ is very sensitive to the environment and can irritate easily.

Hormonal imbalance: It comes together with weight loss or gain, lethargy, and excessive panting. This can be generated by hypothyroidism, which is caused by an auto-immune disease. It usually occurs after the age of 5.

Allergies: Dust, mold, and pollen are some of the existing environmental allergens. Fertilizer, poison ivy, and cleaning products can also cause skin reactions. But not every dog is allergic to them. However, fleas often cause allergies as well, and every dog is exposed to them.

Skin infections: Fleas or any other insect bite can cause them. Dogs tend to scratch or chew the affected area, creating a deeper wound that allows the entering of bacteria, which can cause an infection. You can learn more about it in Skin infections in dogs.

Parasites: External parasites can cause severe rashes. Lice, fleas, ear mites, ticks, warms, among others.

Genetics: Some breeds are more prone than others to develop skin conditions, as is the case with Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Bulldogs, Cocker Spaniels, and Poodles, among others. They can develop ichthyosis, seborrhea, and zinc-response dermatosis.

Dog Rash Treatment

There are some homemade remedies you can try to make your dog’s rash better. They are made out of natural ingredients such as chamomile, apple cider vinegar, oatmeal paste, green tea, and coconut oil. Plus, you can try Mokai’s antifungal and antibacterial wipes these are formulated to treat dermatological conditions in dogs, clean wounds, and manage skin conditions. However, if the rash is too severe or it doesn’t get better, you should contact your vet for a physical examination.

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